Application For Concessions / Accommodations

Application For Concessions / Accommodations

What are concessions/accommodations?

This relates to special circumstances where children and adolescents find it difficult to cope when writing exams. In order to obtain a concession or accommodation a child/adolescent needs to have been assessed and diagnosed as having a recognized learning/health disability which will impact negatively on performance during examinations.

Concessions/accommodations may be approved by the Education Authorities, and allow for the following:

  • Extra examination time
  • Appointment of a scribe or reader (a person to write or read an exam paper for the learner – in some cases both may apply)
  • Spelling allowances
  • Permission to take food or medication during examinations
  • Rest breaks
  • Separate venue; use of special equipment. For example a child diagnosed with dyslexia would usually be granted spelling concession
  • Adaptation of questions or alternative questions or rephrasing
  • Computer usage
  • Braille
  • Large print
  • Physical support
  • Exemption from Mathematics

With the parent’s permission, the teacher is consulted throughout the assessment process. The teacher spends a significant amount of time with the child and, through training and experience, is able to report on certain difficulties that may be affecting the learning and progress of the child.

I produce a detailed written report on the results of the assessment. The report will include recommendations to allow for possible concessions to be given during tests and examinations. The report is discussed with the parents who may question and raise concerns about certain issues. The objective is for parents to gain a full understanding of the educational implications for their child and to apply remedial measures to reduce stress levels and improve performance.

For more information:

Policy And Procedure Accomodations


Please Note

My area of services are in the Southern Suburbs and the greater Cape Town Metropole, including Somerset West and Helderberg area, South Africa.

My fees are based on medical aid rates but fees are negotiable and tailor made for every client in advance of rendering the required service.

Clients are permitted to terminate therapy at any stage. The same applies should a client wish to decline participation in, or withdraw from, any recommended intervention, assessment or event he or she is not entirely comfortable with.